Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Hawaii Dolphin Swim Information:

There are numerous ways to create a dolphin encounter experience in Hawaii. Below are some suggestions based on my experience and information that has come my way.

Hawaii Dolphin Swim Information:

One thing to keep in mind, though, is that when journeying to encounter dolphins in the wild, there are no guarantees. I have had experiences with both outcomes...sometimes they have appeared, and sometimes they have not. Often the times they did not appear physically have been my most profound experiences. The dolphins were definitely choreographing my experiences on land. The dolphins are masterful not only in the water, they are energy masters on land, too. Be aware of all that is occurring around you. A key learning that I have received from them is to let go of ALL expectations and attachments, and be open for the magic to unfold in any way...often it takes the most unusual forms. This is part of the adventure! It is like a treasure hunt, and the treasures are within us and all around us.

The dolphins are also encouraging us to move beyond our physical senses. They are teaching us humans to expand our extra-sensory move beyond what we already know. They are assisting us to move into our future. They do this in a very non-linear way. It is subtle, and very profound. It is the new way, and they are helping us attune to it by guiding us through unique life experiences.

There is a specific protocol for how to behave while swimming with dolphins. Several dolphin swim web sites have very good descriptions of what to do and what not to do.
One site to read is It’s important to honor the dolphins, and other humans, during your swim experience. Okay, now for the practical information: