Countdown: 8 Weeks
Get approval for concurrent travel (for command-sponsored tours only).
Visit your Relocation Office and obtain information on your next duty station. Schedule a meeting with a relocation specialist at your station to plan for the move. Ask them what benefits you are entitled to (this differs depending on marital status).
Discuss specifics of your move with your Transportation Office (TO), storage, household goods and hold baggage shipments, privately owned vehicles and pet shipment. Provide your current TO with your estimated shipping weight of your hold baggage and household goods shipments.
Call your Finance Office for details on Temporary Lodging Allowance (TLA). Make TLA entitlements/billeting arrangements.
If you are planning to live on base at the new location, contact your housing office for an advance application if it is permitted by your new duty station.
Notify your Housing Office, rental agent or landlord of your PCS orders and when you plan to vacate. If the lease contains a military clause, this notification must be made in writing.
Begin making all necessary travel plans.
Request a sponsor at the new station and make contact with them when one is assigned to you. If you do not hear back from your sponsor, have your present commander write directly to your gaining commander on your behalf. Once you have made contact with your sponsor, notify them of your travel plans, if you will be traveling with young children and approximately how much baggage you plan to carry and ship.
Research your new home. Obtain information on religious institutions, driver's licenses and car registration, schools and enrollment.
Examine your homeowner's insurance policy to see if your household items are insured during the move. If you plan to rent out your house during your reassignment, check with your insurance agent if your policy will cover this. Contact your Housing Office to list your house for rent.
Create a Relocation Budget. Consult your base pay and financial office for more information.
If you're selling your current home, arrange with a local real estate agent to put it on the market.
Countdown: 8 Weeks, 5 Weeks, 3 Weeks, 2 Weeks, 1 Week, Moving Day, Top of Page
Inventory all your household items by room, garage, closet, etc. Estimate the value of your household items for insurance purposes. A videotape of the contents of each room can be particularly useful in creating an indisputable visual record. Record all serial numbers. Decide what will be moved, what should be stored and what should be sold at a garage or yard sale. All unsold items can be donated to charity.
If you have a new mailing address, complete a change of address form at the post office and send them to anyone who sends you mail regularly. If you don't have a new address, acquire a post office box at the new duty station and use that as your new mailing address.
Begin notifying people and companies about your move, including friends, relatives, banks, lawyers, accountants, religious organizations, dentists, doctors, insurance companies, Department of Motor Vehicles, subscriptions and creditors.
Organize your family records in a Travel Records Kit. Your kit should contain: birth certificates; social security numbers; naturalization papers (if applicable); military and insurance ID cards; a copy of your children's medical, dental and optical records; school transcripts and referral letters; marriage and divorce papers (if applicable); pet immunization records; expense log book; PCS orders (30 copies); copy of wills; your list of serial numbers; financial records, including a list of stocks, bonds, mutual funds and other financial investments; bank account and credit card information; car registration and title; adoption papers (if applicable); current passports; servicemember's Last leave and Earnings Statement (LES), and spouses résumés, certificates, professional licenses and transcripts.
Complete all scheduled dental and optical work and exams. Obtain a copy of your medical, dental and optical records and put them in your Travel Records Kit or have them forwarded to the new duty station by registered mail.
Give all employers termination notice and obtain references from supervisors. Prepare résumés and begin sending them out to prospective companies.
Establish new bank accounts and safe deposit boxes at the next duty station.
Schedule to have your current utilities canceled the day after you move. Forward the final bills to your new address. If you have a trusted family member or friend handling your finances for you, have the bill forwarded to them to pay.
If applicable, begin packing certain household goods in their original packaging. Label the boxes according to each room of the house with different colored pens. Mark each box with a different number. After each box has been packed and marked, leave it open so the moving company can repack the contents if necessary and assume responsibility for the safety of the items.
Ship any items by hold baggage that will enable you to set up housekeeping at your new station. This includes dishes, silverware, bedding, and clothing.
Obtain veterinary records and licenses and arrange for pet transportation. All dogs and cats moving to the island must be quarantined for 30-120 days, depending on if pre- and post-arrival requirements are met. They must also have a number of shots and tests performed before coming to the island and more after they arrive. For all details, call the Hawaii Department of Agriculture at (808) 483-7100. Or visit their website at
Contact your finance and base pay office for information on housing allowances (if applicable) at the new duty station. Check with Travel Pay for benefits or entitlements. Consider your mode of travel when discussing Advance Travel pay.
Countdown: 8 Weeks,
Confirm all moving arrangements.
If necessary, arrange for someone to care for your pets or children on moving day.
Finalize the moving schedule with the TO at your current and future base. Confirm arrangements with the commercial moving company.
Settle any outstanding bills. Cancel newspapers. Return any outstanding library books or borrowed goods.
Thoroughly clean the house or apartment for final inspection by your landlord or the Housing Office.
Pack suitcases and other necessary items for the trip. Set out any toys for the trip and prepare a first aid kit.
Empty, defrost, clean, and dry the refrigerator for shipping or for storage. While defrosting, secure the door with a strap to prevent it from accidentally closing on children or pets. To keep the refrigerator smelling fresh, put a handful of coffee grounds or baking soda in a sock or in hosiery and place it in the refrigerator.
Lock your Travel Records Kit and other valuables in your car.
Take the children and pets to a safe location.
Plan to be present when the movers arrive. Supervise their work carefully as they inventory and tag your furniture and record its condition. Carefully review your contract with the moving company before signing.
Obtain a clear copy of the moving company's inventory list. Place this in the Travel Records Kit.
When the movers are finished packing, make a final check of all rooms and closets for any missing items.
After the movers have left, close and securely lock all doors and windows, and turn off the lights. If required, leave any household keys in a predesignated location for your landlord.